Alexei N. Laushkin is Senior Director  of Communications and Editor of Creation Care Magazine at Evangelical Environmental Network.

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Why I Support Wind Energy

by Alexei N. Laushkin 12-17-2012
Wind turbine farm, © WDG Photo /

Wind turbine farm, © WDG Photo /

Nearly one-in-six people in the United States live in an area with unhealthful short-term levels of particle pollution. One in six. I was one of those one in six, growing up with moderate to severe asthma. I was hospitalized several times. My health was poor throughout my childhood and didn’t really show full significant improvement until after college.

It’s something I learned to deal with, not to focus on. Yet the truth is, I grew up in a part of the country with severe pollution. In our drive for cheap energy, society paid a social cost.

Luckily I grew up in a part of the world and during a time in history when medical advances kept pace with asthma, in my case just barely. My father also had asthma, as did his father before him. If I had grown up during my father’s time, I likely wouldn’t be here today. If I grew up in another part of the world I know I wouldn’t be here today.