
Eugene Cho 10-06-2009

I remember being instructed as a new Christian many years ago to pray for influential Hollywood people.

Randy Woodley 10-05-2009
Last week Ken Burns unleashed his new series on America's national parks, subtitled "America's Best Idea." The cinematography is incredible and Ken Burns is known as a progressive thinker.
Eugene Cho 9-08-2009
Most folks who've read my blog over some time should know that while I very much respect President Obama, I don't go ga-ga and drool over this man.
Steve Holt 8-28-2009

I need to find something to do until Sept. 13 or thereabouts. The Daily Show is on a three-week vacation until then. (Anyone have a good home remedy for the Stewart Shakes?) I kid.

Ernesto Tinajero 8-24-2009
I remember playing WWII as a boy. We would pick sides of American and Nazis. Of course, everyone wanted be the Americans, the good guys.