
Lynne Hybels 2-04-2011
Here is a new update from my friend, Wafik Wahba, Associate Professor of Global Christianity at Tyndale University and Seminary.
Jeannie Choi 2-03-2011

The situation in Egypt continues to stun the world. Today we heard reports of attacks on journalists and human rights workers. In an interview with ABC's Christiane Amanpour, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak declared, "I would never run away.

Jim Rice 2-03-2011
This Sunday would be Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday, and the predictable tributes have come from across the political spectrum.
Jeannie Choi 2-01-2011

There's been a lot of fascinating coverage of the protest in Egypt today. Here's a round up of links and videos you may have missed:

Vanessa Ortiz 1-31-2011
"All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable." -- Henr
Jeannie Choi 1-21-2011

Women Photographers. Bipartisanship. Cornel West. Here's a little round up of links from around the web you may have missed this week:

Julie Clawson 1-18-2011
My daughter came home from school recently with a worksheet that described life before and after Martin Luther King Jr.
Theresa Cho 1-13-2011
Growing up, the use of inclusive language was a foreign concept.
Theresa Cho 1-05-2011
"Deborah was a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth. She was judge over Israel at that time. She held court under Deborah's palm between Ramah and Bethel in the hills of Ephraim.
Jerica Arents 1-04-2011
"Tell them to come and see who we are." Almost every Afghan we met said that. Tell them to come and see.
Duane Shank 12-17-2010
President Obama released the Afghanistan-Pakistan annual review on Thursday morning, concluding that, "
LaVonne Neff 12-15-2010
Now that President Obama's people have sent out glowing press releases about how wonderful the proposed tax agreement is (http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/12/10/a-win-women-mothers-and-
Steve Holt 12-13-2010
We Americans hate to wait. Whatever we want, we want it now. Pay-per-view. One-click shopping. Smart phones. Drive-through restaurants.
Becky Garrison 12-09-2010
For those who are looking for something beyond the traditional 12 days of Christmas gift-giving shtick, here are some ideas I gleaned during my ongoing travels for http://www.amazon.com/gp
Jennifer Kottler 12-08-2010
We've been asked by more than one of our readers and supporters about how we can support the DREAM Act and hold that in tension wit
the Web Editors 12-08-2010

[Editors' note: Today we remember Elizabeth Edwards who was an outspoken advocate for health-care reform and used her position of influence to speak out for those who could not get the care they needed. Our thoughts and prayers are with her friends and family.

Julie Clawson 12-03-2010
Since WikiLeaks released the first of the leaked government cables for public viewing, the outcry regarding the act has been overwhelming.
Jennifer Kottler 12-02-2010
In this season of Advent, we in our Christian churches speak often about how this is a time of waiting and preparation leading up to t
Theresa Cho 11-29-2010

In 2004, I was the 40th Korean-American clergywomen to be ordained in the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. denomination. Forty seems like such a small number when you consider that in 2011, Korean-American Clergywomen (KACW) will be celebrating their 20th anniversary. However, many Korean-American women are still wandering the desert of the ordination process without a rock, well, pitcher, or even a drop of water in sight to quench their thirst to serve as God has called them. There have been times when we wished there was a Moses to break the rock or the obstacle so that freedom and the ability to serve as a minister of the word and sacrament would gush abundantly, but the reality is that many Korean-American women cannot find calls or find the support they need to find a call.