
Ben White 9-11-2009
The decision by Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill to release on compassionate grounds the convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi has been ferociously and strongly condemned i
Molly Marsh 9-10-2009

Promoting gender equality is crucial to combating global poverty, a point Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn make in their new book,

Nontando Hadebe 9-09-2009
Last week the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) pledged to support the program on national healing in Zimbabwe.
Phil Haslanger 9-09-2009

Just the basic facts about Anna Baltzer make her a provocative presence. She's a 30-year-old Jewish-American woman who is arguing passionately for justice for Palestinians.

Logan Isaac 8-31-2009
I recently received a reply or two on my last blog post, regarding Sgt.
Elizabeth Palmberg 8-31-2009
The outgoing commander of the U.N./African Union peacekeeping force in Darfur has garnered much press by saying, on his way out of the door, that "I would not say there is a war going on in Darfur.
Shane Claiborne 8-28-2009
As we remember the eighth anniversary of the Sept.
While the United States remains focused on health-care reform and back-to-school activities, the impact of the Honduras coup in June continues, much out of the popular media.
Logan Isaac 8-18-2009

There are good men (and certainly at least a few women) who have been slipping through the cracks within our military. Too often service members are not made fully aware of their rights under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Sgt. Travis Bishop, out of Ft.

Chris Baker Evens 8-14-2009

A handful of Christians living in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, are making use of the age-old nonviolent practice of hospitality to 60 community representatives who suffer constant threats and intimidation as they work to protect land, fisheries, forests, and waterways from development projects (see

Jim Wallis 8-07-2009

Yesterday was the 64th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

Elizabeth Palmberg 8-07-2009
In a" href=""">
Jarrod McKenna 8-07-2009
"You need to realize that war is money. And money makes the world go round.
Logan Isaac 8-04-2009
I'm a big fan of iTunesU, and I usually try to listen to informative podcasts on long drives, since I can't read and drive simultaneously.
Gareth Higgins 8-04-2009
Let's get one thing straight: I have no idea what war is really like.

In most cases in Occupied Palestine at this point, Palestinian refugees live in UN-administered camps that are essentially urban slums--overcrowded apartment blocks with high rates of poverty. But there are still some refugees that live in tents.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), article 25 paragraph 1 says: "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, i
Gareth Higgins 8-01-2009

THE UNITED STATES as envisaged in cinema is often a fight club, a place where there are three kinds of people—the thieves who milk the system, the cops who try to catch them, and the rest of