Social Justice

Charles Gutenson 9-29-2010
Ah, the evils of "social justice"!
Will McKitterick 9-14-2010
Pakistan is still in the midst of recovering from a devastating flood -- one of the worst humanitarian disasters in its history -- a
Jim Rice 9-09-2010
The night before Glenn Beck's rally in Washington last month, Beck visited the studio where host Joe Madison does his XM radio show.

Glenn Beck is wrong on so much: wrong on social justice and liberation theology. His logic is often flawed. He is much too prone to use Nazism as an inappropriate analogy for what happens in contemporary America. He is one of the most divisive voices speaking in the United States today.

Jim Wallis 8-26-2010
This coming Saturday, August 28 will mark the 47th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where King delivered his famous "I Have a Dream Speech." Glenn Beck has chosen this d
Like many others who are currently unemployed or partially employed, this seminary graduate finds herself with unexpected time on her hands.
Ruth Hawley-Lowry 7-27-2010
I am grieved and angry that Glenn Beck is going to be on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28 (the anniversary of the historic civil rights March on Washington on August 28, 1963) -- and
Simon Greer 7-27-2010
This spring, we saw an opportunity to join the efforts of Rev.
Will Travers 7-22-2010

Since the recent passage of Arizona Senate Bill 1070, scheduled to go into effect on July 29, those of us working for social justice in the United States have a rare opportunity to register a particularly effective form of protest.

Nadia Bolz-Weber 7-20-2010
From what I hear, if you are taking a trip to the Holy Land you can visit the actual road from Jerusalem to modern-day Jericho, and local tour guides are happy, for the right price, to show you the
Jim Wallis 7-15-2010
It was a nice invitation, not unlike many I've received before.
Jim Wallis 7-01-2010
Several months ago, I was invited to speak at Lifest, a Christian festival in Wisconsin with more than 100 musicians and 50 speakers that
Emily Bagwell 6-23-2010
The other night as I rode my bike up Massachusetts Ave. with my friend Jeehye, we came upon a man who was about to jump off a bridge.
Troy Jackson 6-21-2010
Last Monday evening, a massive storm front hit southwestern Ohio.
Kimberly B. George 6-10-2010
I won't forget the day the 15-year-old Korean exchange student I tutored informed me she needed surgery to "correct" her eyes. I stopped my grammar lesson and had her teach me about racism.