
Mimi Haddad 5-11-2009
I enjoy addressing the contributions of women in history at Christian colleges or universities.
Mimi Haddad 4-24-2009
Do you find yourself reluctant to attend women's retreats because they tend to focus on things like fashion, women's emotions, crafts, and new forms of stomach exercises?
Eugene Cho 4-03-2009

One of my heroes is Frederick Douglass. I have a list of folks whose stuff I regularly read on and read about, and Frederick Douglass is one of them. Words in today's world have grown to be an interesting sensation. I believe in the power of words via teaching, preaching, blogging, writing, etc.

Cesar Baldelomar 3-24-2009

Twenty-nine years ago today, a Salvadorian government hit man assassinated Archbishop of San Salvador Oscar Romero as he was saying Mass in a convent. News of Romero's assassination sparked a slew of global responses -- from sadness and outrage to impartiality.

Efrem Smith 2-26-2009
Preaching from the story of Ezekiel and the dry bones, Pastor Efrem describes the "right relationships" that God wants to bring about for both physical and spiritual change in our lives.
Jarrod McKenna 2-11-2009
That U.S. megaphone of amazing grace, Shane Claiborne, was recently moved to tears after witnessing a youth gathering in Australia.
Diana Butler Bass 2-10-2009
In this week's town hall meetings, President Obama demonstrated an important aspect of his office: Pastor-in-Chief.

Michaela Bruzzese 2-01-2009
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary for February.
Nadia Bolz-Weber 1-27-2009
It's happened twice in as many months: God showing up in an older woman. A stranger offering me her blessing. Not offering it so much as insisting on it, now that I think about it.

Lisa Sharon Harper 1-21-2009

We waited for 30 minutes. Standing, awkward, we looked up at the board. When I arrived at Penn Station the board said train #167, enroute to Washington D.C., "25 mins late"... Five minutes later, "30 mins late." The terminal filled up, more people standing -- waiting ... and wondering if the others hovering with backpacks and napsacks and yoga mats were all waiting for the same thing.

Mimi Haddad 1-12-2009

Do you have family or friends on the mission field who are women? How many of them preach, teach, and exercise their gifts of leadership beside men on the mission field?

Steve Loy 1-01-2009

As mainline churches work to find positions on difficult social issues, Westminster John Knox Press recovers a 20th-century pro­phetic voice.

Michaela Bruzzese 1-01-2009
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary for January.
Mimi Haddad 11-19-2008
Do you often find comfort and insight, even direction for your life, through a careful study of scripture? Do you believe that God's truth is found in the pages of the Bible?
Ryan Rodrick Beiler 10-28-2008

A short thought to follow up on Valerie Elverton-Dixon's tribute to Gayle Williams, the aid worker gunned down by Taliban militants last week. As Valerie noted:

She worked for an organization called SERVE Afghanistan -