one day's wages

Jack Palmer 11-11-2011

One year of prison costs more than one year at Princeton. Capitalism and social justice. OpEd: The values discussion we're not having. 'One Day's Wages' fights poverty two years on. Government aid helped cut U.S. poverty nearly in half. Religion-friendly democracy and democracy-friendly religion. And Newt Gingrich says God forgave him.


Eugene Cho 5-12-2011
Like all of you, I was stunned some days ago as I started soaking in the breaking news of Osama bin Laden's capture and death via U.S. military operations.

Eugene Cho 4-19-2011

I'm very fond of this season in the Christian calendar because I can mention the word "ass" during my blog post and sermon and still keep all the fundamentalists off my back.

Eugene Cho 12-29-2010

In light of an unsuccessful campaign to become the president of my middle school as an eighth grader, I have no plans on entering politics and running for political office.

Eugene Cho 10-01-2010

I received a letter this week from the White House. A big fat packet. Ain't I special?

Eugene Cho 8-20-2010
I'm thankful that God rarely answers our constant requests wanting to know the future.


Eugene Cho 8-12-2010
Several years ago, I spent several hours/week doing research (and meeting with other pastors) about pastoral health and vitality for my denomination.

Eugene Cho 8-03-2010
By now, most of you have heard of the dramatic news of Anne Rice's simple statement of "quitting Christianity." I'm amazed how much coverage this has received -- everywhere.

Jarrod McKenna 5-07-2010

"My father was born by a river bed and left to die. My mother grew up in extreme poverty. They made it. I am their story, they inspire me!" These are the words of my new friend Rudo, an amazing young woman from Zimbabwe who has come through so much and has now been chosen to be one of a thousand ambassadors of the Make Poverty History Road Trip who next week are acting to make history.

Eugene Cho 3-11-2010

By now, most of you have heard the brouhaha regarding what Glenn Beck said on his radio and TV show recently:

Eugene Cho 3-09-2010
I wanted to share a bit with my blog community about the ongoing tension of balance, priorities, schedules, focus, goals, etc.
Eugene Cho 12-17-2009
Here's a post from one of my favorite blogs titled, 'Stand Up for Christmas?'.
Eugene Cho 10-21-2009

We are excited to announce the launch of One Day's Wages -- an international grassroots movement dedicated to ending extreme global poverty. We are certainly not the first and thankfully, not the last.