
Sondra Haaga 1-27-2010

America, dominating the global economy, imports more goods than it exports. What is less tangible, but possibly more important, is how America exports its values to a rapidly interconnecting global society.

Stephen Flohr 1-25-2010

It was 3 a.m. when they came barreling into town -- Israeli jeeps and tanks preempting the dawn and hollering menacing messages over their loudspeakers.

Heather Wilson 1-22-2010
While the story of bible-verses-on-gun-scopes is getting more press, I am just (if not more) disturbed to read of a U.S.
Minyon Moore 1-21-2010
We landed in Haiti about five hours ago. It has been approximately a week after the major earthquake struck this country.
LaVonne Neff 1-20-2010

[Continued from part 1] I have no idea how the United States will or can get out of the economic mess we've spent the last 50 years getting ourselves into. As individuals, though, we can take steps to avoid disaster.

Jarrod McKenna 12-29-2009
Sad news from Sydney as a headline for the ABC read, "Abusive letter suspect 'a peace activist'".
Aaron Taylor 12-22-2009
I didn't get a chance to watch Barack Obama's Nobel speech live, but I've read the transcript and found very little in the speech that couldn't have been given by any number of past presidents-incl
Phil Haslanger 12-21-2009

For much of the world, the heart of Bethlehem is found down a narrow stairway in a small cave area under a huge church where a 14-pointed silver star marks the spot that, for at least 17 centuries, Christians have honored as the place where Jesus was born.

Multiple Authors 12-21-2009
Advent is with us again, calling us to reflect and review, and the Sojourners policy team wants to thank you for walking with us in 2009.
Jim Wallis 12-14-2009
President Obama laid out a moral defense of the use of force in his acceptance speech in Oslo
Katrina Abarcar 12-11-2009
For many of us in the U.S., the sometimes vicious attack ads of last year's presidential election are more than just a recent memory.
Jarrod McKenna 12-08-2009


This is analogous to the indulgences that the Catholic Church sold in the middle ages. The bishops collected lots of money and the sinners got redemption. Both parties liked that arrangement despite its absurdity. That is exactly what's happening...

Jim Wallis 12-02-2009

The decision by President Obama to send additional troops to Afghanistan saddens me. I believe it is a mistake, it is the wrong direction for U.S.

Lisa Haugaard 12-01-2009
Elections took place Sunday, Nov. 29 in Honduras with National Party leader Porfirio Lobo declared the winner.

Jim Wallis 11-19-2009

Your voice is being heard. Already, thousands of you have signed a letter and contacted the White House urging a new way forward in Afghanistan.

Jim Wallis 11-12-2009
When all you have is a hammer everything seems like a nail. No famous line more aptly applies to the president's current dilemma of seeking the best solution for Afghanistan.
Shane Claiborne 11-11-2009
Almost exactly 4 years ago, more than 100 faith leaders from around the country went to jail together as we prayed for a moral budget and lamented the current one.
Logan Isaac 11-09-2009
Like so many across our country, I have been reeling about the news coming out of Ft. Hood, TX.
Arthur Waskow 11-06-2009
One reader wrote me to ask: " "What effect will the Fort Hood shootings have on the American public's perception of Islam?" That question asks us to be foretellers, fortune tellers, to predict.