
Gareth Higgins 3-09-2009
On Saturday night, two young soldiers preparing to go to Afghanistan were murdered in Antrim, Northern Ireland. Four other people, including two men delivering pizzas, were injured.
Aaron Taylor 3-06-2009

On the first day of the Obama administration, our newly elected president signed the order to close down Guatanamo. Scores of human rights advocates were in ecstasy. For those of us committed to peace and social justice, the words Guatanamo and Abu Ghraib invoke images of shock and horror. How could we as a nation have stooped so low? Where was the outcry from the Body of Christ?

Kaitlin Barker 2-25-2009
I recently heard a voice from Darfur. She sat on a stage in front of me, not on the pages of the newspaper, and Darfur's resilient voice said, "The crisis has turned our lives upside down."

Jim Wallis 12-04-2008
"The appeal of terrorism is waning," said Mathew Burrows, head of long-range analysis in the office of the director of national intelligence.
Janna Hunter-Bowman 11-13-2008

If no one speaks out, the violence is going to continue. Someone has to give voice to what is hidden.

Kaitlin Barker 11-12-2008

Life is easier in black and white, when things are clearly right or clearly wrong. We tend not to like the gray very much. It was certainly easier for me to hard-headedly disapprove of all war, including those who took part in it. But, working at an orphanage in India, I met Chad, a young man fresh from Iraq with an American flag tattoo, and he muddled up my clarity.