jim wallis

Jim Wallis is on vacation this week, but before leaving he wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post<
Allison Johnson 3-26-2010

More than 200,000 people descended on Washington, D.C., for the March for America last weekend.

Jim Wallis 3-25-2010

Given Glenn Beck's threat that "the hammer is coming," I have been keeping my eyes and ears open to see and hear what attacks he might next make on us or the growing movement of Christians who share with us the call to

John Gehring 3-24-2010

While it's generally not worth spilling any ink over Glenn Beck, his recent attacks on churches that preach "social justice" has rightly earned the condemnation of diverse faith leaders

Jim Wallis 3-24-2010

When Glenn Beck promised to devote a whole week of his television show to come after me, I wasn't sure he really meant it. I guess he did. Last night he began to make good on the threat he made on his radio show that "the hammer will fall."

Jim Wallis 3-23-2010

From the very beginning, more than a year ago, the faith community called on the president and Congress to follow three principles in health-care reform: that it be framed as a moral issue; that it provide coverage to all who need health care, and that the sanctity of life be respecte

When a Fox News pundit who has helped force the resignation of White House advisers is promising he'll be http://blog.sojo.net/2010/03/15/in-spite-of-glenn-becks-new-threats-my-i...
Jim Wallis 3-19-2010

We all know how much the media love conflict, and they have fallen in love with the health-care debate. Yesterday's New York Times story on the final House vote expected this weekend simply said, "Showdown Near." That says it all about the gunfight at the O.K.

Margaret Benefiel 2-04-2010

In past years, the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, focused primarily on business and politics as usual. Any talk of the World Economic Forum's soul would have fizzled quickly.

Hayley Hathaway 2-02-2010
Over the last few weeks, we have seen an incredible international response to the tragic earthquake in Haiti. U.S. citizens are generously giving; the U.S.