Allison Johnson 5-14-2009

Postville, Iowa, is a powerful place. Tuesday, hundreds of community members and people of faith from across the country gathered to pray and reflect on the traumatic events of May 12, 2008.

Jimmy McCarty 5-07-2009

This past Friday, May 1, 2009, I joined with thousands of others across the country in marching for immigrant and worker's rights.

Connie Anderson 4-06-2009
In a stunning turnabout, some of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's firmest allies distanced themselves from his hard-line tactics when the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors voted to postpone accepting $1.6 m
Bailey Craft 3-24-2009
Last week, President Obama signed an executive order granting a" href=""">
Jennifer Svetlik 2-26-2009
Washington, D.C., is sending mixed signals about how to enforce immigration law, and immigrants and their families are suffering the consequences.

Glen Peterson 1-28-2009
Just a few months ago, Christian advocates of immigration reform believed that the political environment in the country would make it very difficult to make the legislative changes necessary to pro
Glen Peterson 11-04-2008
Activists, evangelical Christians, and Catholic Workers have joined in a hunger strike in downtown Los Angeles to expose the plight of immigrants in the United States and to motivate 1 million peop
Jennifer Svetlik 9-15-2008

Christians for Comprehensive Immigration ReformLast year I lived in a Catholic Worker house that offers hospitality to immigrants without first inquiring about their legal status. One day, a woman called the house on behalf of two young boys who had come home to an empty apartment; [...]

Allison Johnson 7-15-2008

Catholic social teaching tells us the dignity of the human person is the foundation and measure of a moral society. If the U.S. were put to this test based on our treatment of immigrants, how would we fare? If the recently released evidence from the heartland of Postville, Iowa is any indicator, I'd venture to say we're in danger of [...]