
The Editors 5-13-2014

Elizabeth Palmberg (photo by Heather Wilson)

Select works by our dear friend and colleague Elizabeth Palmberg

Theresa Cho 6-13-2011

I recently wrote a blog about how to kill a dying church, asking questions about what to do with so many churches dying. I think the challenge is recognizing the signs that a church is dying. The problem is that churches tend to wither, which is a slow, gradual, and often subtle process. It is difficult to pinpoint when in the withering process it is time to take action, to make changes, and to make some vital decisions. While there are many reasons for a church dying, here are some practical observations that I have noticed in my experience. This list is certainly not exhaustive. It is also a list that my congregation has personally had to face, so I give examples of how my congregation has addressed these issues.

Elizabeth Palmberg 6-18-2009
Sojourners magazine just had its first redesign in my seven years of working here, and all I can say is "wow," because I have a limited graphic-design vocabulary.

Jeannie Choi 2-11-2009
Hey, want to celebrate your love of your honey *and* your love of God's creation?
Jeannie Choi 11-21-2008

The word "plastic" means "anything which can be easily shaped or sculpted" (actually, an even older meaning is "sculptor")