Global Issues

Anna Almendrala 6-18-2009
An interview with a man and his children in an Internally Displaced Person (refugee) camp quickly devolves into a father desperately trying to sell his smallest child to the cameraman.
I have never met you but I have to thank you. You are half a world a way but I'm watching you on TV, reading blogs, looking at pictures and following your Twitter updates.
Anyone watching the news over the past couple of months will have noticed a flurry of action from two of the nations in former President Bush's infamous "Axis of Evil." North Korea tested a long-ra
Eugene Cho 6-16-2009

Are you tracking with the developments in Iran? I'd love to hear your thoughts:

How are you processing the election protests in Iran? What are your thoughts and emotions?

Jim Wallis 6-16-2009
Elections -- indeed the democratic process itself -- shape countries, culture, and the future, no matter what their outcome.

Mark Brinkmoeller 6-12-2009
"Listen to it loud!" That was the advice that came with a disc of the new film, I Bring What I Love, about Youssou N'Dour, a Senegalese singer who has worked for social justice in Africa.
Jim Wallis 6-10-2009
Few biblical figures stand out for their bravery as Esther does. Faced with a looming order for the systematic extermination of her people, she risked her life and broke the silence.
Oscar Perry Abello 6-10-2009
If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. If you teach his wife how to fish, you feed the whole family for a lifetime.
Aaron Taylor 6-10-2009
The world stood at attention as President Obama gave a historic speech to the Muslim world. In mainstream U.S.
Jim Wallis 6-09-2009
Every so often, I will begin the week with a post about something that I believe deserves further reflection and comment from the God's Politics community.

Another amazing grassroots effort in the Middle East is Combatants for Peace, a group of former Palestinian fighters and Israeli soldiers who have united to reject violence and tell their stories to each other as a way of finding peace.

Cathleen Falsani 6-08-2009
One of the everyday things Vasco has enjoyed most since arriving in Chicago from Malawi five weeks ago is being able to go into the kitchen and pour a cool glass of crystal clear water, from the si

When President Obama was giving his speech in Cairo, I was just across the Red Sea in Aqaba, Jordan, and caught a glimpse on a corner store TV, the translation making it hard to hear his words.

Nontando Hadebe 6-05-2009
Since the signing of the agreement that led to a government of "national unity," there was an expectation that this could be the start of a new era in Zimbabwe.
Oscar Perry Abello 6-02-2009
For too many households around the world, living paycheck-to-paycheck is a luxury out of reach.
Harper McConnell 6-01-2009
We were in Masisi, a small town in the endless rolling green mountains of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
Elizabeth Palmberg 5-18-2009
Why should the world turn away from huge, monocropped factory farms? Pick the reason you like best.