
This week has been eventful in Australia.

Arise, all women who have hearts! Whether your baptism be of water or of tears!

Angela Whitenhill 4-24-2009

This piece was written as a personal testimony as to how we can use scripture to liberate us from mental and physical bondage. Through the Eyes of the Beholder is dedicated to all of us who struggle with insecurities; that we may know how to alter our perceptions to see ourselves and others through God's eyes.

Julie Clawson 3-09-2009
Shortly after I took a position as Children's Ministry Director at a small Baptist church, I sat down with the kids under my care and asked them what questions they would like to ask God.
Kaitlin Barker 2-25-2009
I recently heard a voice from Darfur. She sat on a stage in front of me, not on the pages of the newspaper, and Darfur's resilient voice said, "The crisis has turned our lives upside down."

Bart Campolo 2-02-2009
I want to be hopeful these days, what with Barack Obama just being inaugurated as our nation's 44th president, but Tanya
Lisa Sharon Harper 1-12-2009
Sunday, January 11 was National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. I wrote this poem, And to the Little Ones, in honor of the day.