
Jeannie Choi 10-22-2010
The Simpsons. Ethnic Studies. Walter Brueggemann. Here's a little round up of links from around the web you may have missed this week:

Glenn Beck is wrong on so much: wrong on social justice and liberation theology. His logic is often flawed. He is much too prone to use Nazism as an inappropriate analogy for what happens in contemporary America. He is one of the most divisive voices speaking in the United States today.

A few summers ago, my son brought a little white plastic birdbath to my dad's house and set it up in the back yard. Dad kept the birdbath clean and filled with water.

This Memorial Day, let us see and believe the just peace vision and give the full measure of our living devotion to bring into being a world where war is no more.

Debra Dean Murphy 5-26-2010
We live in an increasingly partisan world. This is not news. But it's the news "business," in many ways, that has made it so.

Ben Lowe 5-18-2010
In a frank admission a year ago, Senator Dick Durbin put it bluntly: "Frankly, the banks run this place." Perhaps they deserve to. After all, they pay enough for the privilege.

When I was a little girl, Easter morning in my house smelled of vinegar and cloves. We were up early, before sunrise to see the sun shout. My father would attend an Easter sunrise service with his Masonic lodge, my mother would bake the Easter ham, and I would dye the Easter eggs.

Neeraj Mehta 3-31-2010
Why are people poor? Why do they stay poor? What would it take to get them out of poverty? These are major questions that have been heavily debated for a century in our country.

Rose Marie Berger 3-24-2010
Today I was interviewed by a sociology student who wanted to know more about "social justice." I was happy to talk to her.
David Snell 3-05-2010

It was just over a month ago that the earthquake devastated Haiti, an impoverished place ill equipped to deal with the disaster. Since then emergency crews, including hundreds of doctors, nurses, and first responders from the U.S. and around the world have worked with remarkable dedication and sacrifice to restore some measure of order.

Charles Gutenson 3-02-2010
I recall a discussion once with a friend about the different kinds of needs that existed within our own community.
Eugene Cho 2-19-2010
Are you giving something up for Lent? What and why?

Rachel Anderson 2-04-2010

"Help us raise $10 million for Haiti!!!"

My friend Laura forwarded me this e-mail along with a note: "the subject line enticed me. Then I realized that it was a credit card offer."

Logan Isaac 1-25-2010

Just a few days ago, I returned from a short trip into Iraq with a small group of Christian peacemakers. Most of us had been to the country before, but under varying circumstances: I was on a combat deployment in 2004; Greg Barrett, our organizer, went as a journalist in the run-up to the invasion in 2003; and four were part of a peace team protesting the bombing campaign during that same period.

Shane Claiborne, Cliff Kindy, Weldon Nisly, and Peggy Gish were leaving Iraq in March 2003 when one of their vehicles was involved in an accident, leaving Cliff and Weldon with life-threatening injuries. Had it not been for a few Iraqi Good Samaritans, they may have never made it out alive.

The gospel according to Aretha Franklin says: "R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me."

Biblical wisdom teaches: "Give everyone what you owe him. If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor." (Romans 13:7 NIV)

We learned the story in Sunday school:

Rose Marie Berger 7-21-2009
Debates on our national system of providing health care are raging in political a
Evan Cantiello 5-01-2009

“Stingy Givers” (a review by J.

Efrem Smith 4-30-2009
In this clip, Pastor Efrem preaches from the book of Proverbs, specifically chapters 10-18, in which there is a contrast made between the righteous person and the wicked person.
Julie Polter 5-01-2008
For members of the philanthropic group Bolder Giving, generosity pays.