
Jarrod McKenna 4-21-2010

This video clip by The Work of The People is going to upset a lot of people.


Maryada Vallet 4-06-2010
I recently guided a national group of evangelical leaders to the Arizona-Mexico border. The visit was momentous and timely for many reasons.
George Mitrovich 4-02-2010
As a Christian, I have a high level of sensitivity toward Jews, of a never-ending sense to be protective of their religion
Ruth Hawley-Lowry 4-02-2010
I gave up fear for Lent. That seemed like a good and perhaps even holy idea at the time.
Eugene Cho 3-11-2010

By now, most of you have heard the brouhaha regarding what Glenn Beck said on his radio and TV show recently:

Jen Owens 3-03-2010

As an adolescent, I had a lot in common with my youngest brother in terms of my approach to my faith.

Julie Clawson 2-10-2010
I love my church. And I love that it isn't afraid to explore the difficult issues -- and figure out how to do so in loving ways.
Multiple Authors 1-28-2010

Claiborne For Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, "subversive" friendship is about creating God's counterculture in the midst of a dominant culture.

As is the case for many Americans, I use the Christmas and New Year holidays as a time to reflect and try to gain perspective on matters near and dear to me.
Nadia Bolz-Weber 1-19-2010
My family and I returned from vacation Tuesday to news reports of the devastation in Haiti.
Charles Gutenson 11-11-2009

Well, you get progressive evangelicals -- a people who unite those two things too long separated: the invitation to become followers of Jesus and the call to join the struggle for the creation of just societies. What is it that progressive evangelicals do?

Mimi Haddad 10-06-2009
Earlier this year I spent nearly one week at a Christian university.
We learned the story in Sunday school:

Steve Holt 6-24-2009
Throughout the Bible, God's people are instructed to care for those who often cannot thrive on their own, most often widows and orphans.
Efrem Smith 4-30-2009
In this clip, Pastor Efrem preaches from the book of Proverbs, specifically chapters 10-18, in which there is a contrast made between the righteous person and the wicked person.