
Nontando Hadebe 5-27-2009
I realize that I have been guilty of overlooking "conversations of faith" with friends and family -- conversations that reflect the spirit of faith similar to that of the heroes and heroines record
Jim Wallis 5-22-2009
I'm in Germany at the biannual Kirchentag festival of faith of the German churches, so I missed the news and analysis of President Barack Obama and former Vice President Dick Cheney's spee
Aaron Taylor 5-22-2009
Despite the repeated attempts of former President George W.
Soong-Chan Rah 5-22-2009

Last month, in an issue of Newsweek, Jon Meacham describes what he perceives to be "The End of Christian America." Meacham asserts that "Ch

Neeraj Mehta 5-20-2009
One of the principles of the Christian community development movement is "relocation." While the principle has depth to it, more times then not it is lived out as people who choose to move their p
Mimi Haddad 5-18-2009

As friends and I met for dinner to enjoy pictures of mutual friends' wedding, their four-year old joined in the fun.

Aaron Taylor 5-14-2009
A few weeks ago, I read Brian McLaren's post on this blog that caused some intense soul-searching.
Elizabeth Palmberg 5-12-2009" href=""">
Mimi Haddad 5-11-2009

I enjoy addressing the contributions of women in history at Christian colleges or universities.

Jim Wallis 5-08-2009
Before our Mobilization to End Poverty, a member of our staff sent an e-mail to some members of the media in which he mistakenly referred to it as "the first big mobilization of the Religious Left
Becky Garrison 5-05-2009

When I found out A Night of Hope with Joel & Victoria would be playing in New York City, at the brand new $1.5 billion Yankee Stadium, I knew I had to attend this concert. (Sorry, but if you charge admission, I no longer call it a worship service).

Prior to the show, Joel and Victoria Osteen held a 15-minute press conference.

Arthur Waskow 5-04-2009

One of the central teachings of Torah is that all human beings are made in the Image of God. That teaching and what flows from it are at the heart of Jewish prohibitions on the use of torture -- and perhaps at the heart of Christian opposition to torture as well.

Indeed, the Rabbis

Mimi Haddad 5-04-2009
Many of you have attended a class at church designed to help you discern your spiritual gifts.
Jarrod McKenna 5-01-2009
I rarely agree with Mark Driscoll. Yet he points to something when he said:

Brian McLaren 5-01-2009
Too many white evangelicals stand for torture, according to a recent Pew Forum study reported by<
Efrem Smith 4-30-2009
In this clip, Pastor Efrem preaches from the book of Proverbs, specifically chapters 10-18, in which there is a contrast made between the righteous person and the wicked person.
Aaron Taylor 4-24-2009
Last week Carrie Prejean, also known as the former Miss California, lost the Miss U.S.A.
Mimi Haddad 4-24-2009

Do you find yourself reluctant to attend women's retreats because they tend to focus on things like fashion, women's emotions, crafts, and new forms of stomach exercises?