
John Gehring 5-23-2009
Against the backdrop of protest and spectacle that threatened to overshadow graduation at the University of Notre Dame last week, President Obama delivered a graceful commencement address that stan
Jim Wallis 5-22-2009
I'm in Germany at the biannual Kirchentag festival of faith of the German churches, so I missed the news and analysis of President Barack Obama and former Vice President Dick Cheney's spee
Kaitlin Barker 5-20-2009

I spent my Monday lunch hour, and maybe longer due to D.C. traffic, standing with some 30 protesters across the street from the Burmese embassy, waving signs and shouting at curtained windows. Hundreds of other demonstrators around the world were also protesting on behalf of Aung San Suu Kyi.

Jim Wallis 4-09-2009
Last week, before the budget vote, I talked with several senators on the phone as they were about to cast their vote. The ones I spoke to were friends, and I told them that I was praying for them.
Dave Donaldson 4-06-2009
I've been asked to comment on churches that are more conservative, predominantly evangelical, and how they are coalescing around poverty reduction.
Efrem Smith 2-26-2009
Preaching from the story of Ezekiel and the dry bones, Pastor Efrem describes the "right relationships" that God wants to bring about for both physical and spiritual change in our lives.
Seth Naicker 2-20-2009
Freedom is on my mind. In the case of South Africa, political freedom was achieved almost 15 years ago. It was a freedom from the heresy of Apartheid.
Efrem Smith 2-18-2009
In this clip, with Acts 2:36ff as his text, Pastor Efrem describes the church as the expression of the invitation to the party of God's kingdom -- and questions why so few are saying yes.
Efrem Smith 2-04-2009
In this clip, Pastor Efrem talks about how the church has constantly changed throughout history to get closer to God's heart.
Bart Campolo 2-02-2009
I want to be hopeful these days, what with Barack Obama just being inaugurated as our nation's 44th president, but Tanya
Arthur Waskow 1-29-2009
Beyond anguish, what can we say about the massive death and destruction in Gaza and the traumatic fear of falling rockets in Israel?
J. Daryl Byler 1-27-2009
I began a fast for peace when Israeli troops entered the Gaza Strip. Last week, I ended the fast, as fighting has stopped and most if not all the troops have left Gaza.

Seth Naicker 1-26-2009
For millions in the U.S.A.
Efrem Smith 1-15-2009
It was hard to narrow this sermon down to a short clip -- it makes so many good points!
Jim Wallis 1-13-2009
This post was Jim Wallis' contribution when invited to write a guest post on the blog for USA Service, a campaign to encourage national service in obser
Efrem Smith 12-11-2008
In this clip Pastor Efrem talks about how, in order to be change agents in society, we need to change a church divided by race, class, and culture.

Vincent G. Harding 12-09-2008

I think it was sometime early in 2007 that I began to find myself almost possessed by a profound premonitory sense that the next year, this year, 2008, would be filled with a special power.

Rev. Romal J. Tune 11-19-2008
Where have all the prosperity preachers gone? It seems like only yesterday when we were hearing about prosperity preachers and messages about God pouring out financial blessing.
Mary Nelson 11-14-2008
"I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord