
John Gehring 1-11-2010
While attention is focused on final negotiations over health-care legislation, Catholic bishops have signaled they will play a leading role in pushing for comprehensive immigration reform this year
Phil Haslanger 12-21-2009

For much of the world, the heart of Bethlehem is found down a narrow stairway in a small cave area under a huge church where a 14-pointed silver star marks the spot that, for at least 17 centuries, Christians have honored as the place where Jesus was born.

Joseph Mulligan 12-09-2009
The following is part of the author´s "jail journal," written in early 2004 while he was serving a 90-day sentence in Georgia for having "crossed the line" at Ft.
Jarrod McKenna 12-08-2009


This is analogous to the indulgences that the Catholic Church sold in the middle ages. The bishops collected lots of money and the sinners got redemption. Both parties liked that arrangement despite its absurdity. That is exactly what's happening...

Margaret Benefiel 12-08-2009
The day the Murphy Report on clergy sexual abuse of children in Dublin, Ireland was recently released found me
Aaron Taylor 11-20-2009
Last week at the Innovative Evangelism Conference, I got a chance to hear Dinesh D'Souza speak to a standing room only crowd.
Elizabeth Palmberg 11-18-2009
The World Summit on Food Security ended today in Rome, with words about cutting hunger, but no real progress on one of hunger's key causes: specula
Elizabeth Palmberg 11-11-2009
Here's what the news stories aren't telling you about the bill Senator Dodd brought out yesterday: it could spell life or death for" href=""http://stopgamb">http://stopgamb
John Gehring 11-06-2009
As an urbanite fortunate to live within walking distance of work and trendy restaurants, I rarely drive these days.
Adam White 11-02-2009
In spring of 2008, my boss, hedge fund manager Mike Masters, and I were studying the effects that investors were having on commodity prices.
Andrew Clouse 11-02-2009
Friday morning, Hillary Clinton praised what she called "an historic agreement" between de facto President Roberto Micheletti and deposed President Manuel Zelaya.
Gareth Higgins 10-20-2009
I know it's been a week and a bit, which in the contemporary mode suggests that ancient history has already passed under the bridge since the Nobel Committee announced its decision, but I wanted to
Rachel Anderson 10-14-2009
After all the financial turmoil that 2009 has already brought, one would think that it would somehow be logical and practical to bring accountable reforms to the same banking institutions whose re
Jose Morales 10-14-2009
What is at the core of the immigration issue? What is the driving force of the debate? I say it is fear.

Cesar Baldelomar 9-29-2009
As a struggling Catholic, the uproar and division caused by conservative U.S.
Becky Garrison 9-23-2009
To commemorate the International Day of Peace (September 21st), I had the opportunity to attend a screening of the documentary Pray the Devil Bac
John Gehring 9-21-2009
Catholic progressives are not the only faithful people worried about the dangers posed by some U.S.
Julie Clawson 9-16-2009
I spent some time this summer visiting my parents in Taos, NM, and while doing all the touristy things there, I couldn't help but encounter stories of the history of the place that truly made me th
Jim Wallis 9-03-2009
I have never really trusted those who are intolerant and condemning of other people's shortcomings. It makes me suspect they are likely hiding their own.
John Gehring 8-27-2009
If you watch enough cable news you would think the fight over health-care reform has been reduced to protestors screaming about socialism, "death panels," and the evils of government.