
Allison Johnson 1-29-2010

Some in Washington would have us believe that immigration reform is politically untenable and economically illogical. However, God is on the move among Christians who care about the immigrants in their midst.

Justin Fung 1-20-2010

In case you haven't already seen this, it's been discovered that gunsights on weapons used by British and American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan are inscribed with coded biblical references, including:

Aaron Taylor 1-18-2010
When I was a student at Christ for the Nations School of Missions, I learned about the so-called "pact with the devil" that the African slaves of Haiti made to free themselves from the French.
Multiple Authors 12-30-2009
On November 20, 2009, to considerable media fanfare, a group of 140 senior Christian leaders issued 'The Manhattan Declaration.' In brief, it calls fo
Multiple Authors 12-28-2009

"We believe the scriptures are God's revelation to humankind (complete, inspired, inerrant, and infallible); the supreme and final authority in testing all claims about what is true and what is right; and therefore, possessing of authority for the total well-being of human

Tim Costello 12-21-2009
In cold, sleeplessness and utter frustration, Copenhagen's delegates witnessed a depressing conclusion of the glacial-speed negotiations on climate change.
Justin Fung 12-18-2009

The room was hot and stifling and overcrowded, but the excitement was palpable as people gathered to witness the introduction of a new comprehensive immigration reform bill. I barely managed to squeeze in, edging through the throng of people who spilled into the hallways. And just in time.

Liuan Chen Huska 12-18-2009
This Advent, the Church's cry of deep longing and anticipation for her bridegroom strikes a chord straight through my own life.
Tim Costello 12-11-2009
In search of a global ethic and political will, in freezing weather and the most dispiriting cavernous building under cold grey Copenhagen skies, this search by 34,000 people with 3500 press observ
Joseph Mulligan 12-09-2009
The following is part of the author´s "jail journal," written in early 2004 while he was serving a 90-day sentence in Georgia for having "crossed the line" at Ft.
The decision has been made. The orders have been signed. The first wave of the 30,000 additional warriors heading to Afghanistan is scheduled to arrive before Christmas.
Charles Gutenson 12-03-2009
A person serves food to others waiting in line with plates.

A popular argument amongst political conservatives goes like this: while they grant that Scripture requires concern and care for the poor and marginalized, that concern is one to be addressed by in

Diana Butler Bass 11-30-2009
"There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations caused by the roaring of the sea and the waves," proclaims Jesus in the gospel of Luke.
Aaron Taylor 11-20-2009
Last week at the Innovative Evangelism Conference, I got a chance to hear Dinesh D'Souza speak to a standing room only crowd.
Mimi Haddad 11-18-2009
Have you ever visited your local Christian bookstore as an exercise in gender studies?
Diana Butler Bass 11-17-2009
During the last few days, Psalm 109:8, a Bible verse in the form of a "prayer for Obama," has topped the Google trends chart: "May his days be few; may another take his office." Evidently, a bump
Charles Gutenson 11-11-2009

Well, you get progressive evangelicals -- a people who unite those two things too long separated: the invitation to become followers of Jesus and the call to join the struggle for the creation of just societies. What is it that progressive evangelicals do?