
Tony Campolo 12-18-2008
With the resignation of Richard Cizik as vice president for government affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals, we have one more reason why many of us are calling ourselves Red Letter C
Mimi Haddad 12-17-2008
How many times have you heard the oft-repeated claim that Christians who advance the shared authority and leadership of men and women in the church and home ignore the authority of scripture?
Brian McLaren 12-04-2008

When the editors of The Green Bible asked to include an essay of

Eugene Cho 12-02-2008
This is the sequel to the original" href=""">" target
Mimi Haddad 11-25-2008
Do you wonder why the words and deeds of Christ are not given more attention in the current gender debate?
Rachel Anderson 11-25-2008

When you are giving thanks this week, why not give thanks for money? Sound crass? It shouldn't be, because that's what could empower a household economy based on gratitude rather than one driven by greed or guilt.

Mimi Haddad 11-19-2008
Do you often find comfort and insight, even direction for your life, through a careful study of scripture? Do you believe that God's truth is found in the pages of the Bible?
Kaitlin Barker 11-18-2008

"I know you know what you're doing," Janice Sevre-Duszynska told Father Roy Bourgeois when he agreed to co-preside and give the homily at her ordination Mass, "but do you know what you're doing?" About a month ago I shared Janice's story of ordination, spotlighting her struggle for justice in the Catholic church and the long road she'd walked for years leading up to August 9, 2008, the day of her ordination Mass.

Biblical wisdom teaches: "Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21).

Jimmy McCarty 11-13-2008

Social location is vital to understanding how people come to their interpretations, and appropriations, of the Bible and its stories.

Shane Claiborne 11-07-2008
God of Abraham, Miriam, Hannah, Rizpah, and David...
God of Elijah, Amos, Ruth, Isaiah, Deborah...
God of Mary, John the Baptizer, Peter, Paul, Philemon and Onesimus...
Mimi Haddad 10-21-2008
I met an extraordinary teenager recently who had come to faith in a small town in Latvia. He was passionate about Jesus and wanted to live his life fully for Christ.
Rich Nathan 10-20-2008
About 20 years ago, Stanley Hauerwas and William Willimon wrote a book provocatively titled Resident Aliens.
Peter Rollins 10-14-2008
In a world where following Christ is decreed to be a subversive and illegal activity, you have been accused of being a believer, arrested, and dragged before a court.