
Jim Wallis 4-08-2010

The political polarization of our society has now reached a new and dangerous level.

Rose Marie Berger 4-07-2010
There was a lovely reflection in today's NYT by novelist Denise Giardina about the Upper Big Branch mine explosion in West Virginia.
Jennifer Wheeler 2-26-2010
I am a single mom living alone with my 3-year-old little boy in southwest Florida.
Eugene Cho 2-25-2010
Some of my readers have too much time on their hands.
Julie Clawson 2-24-2010
I knew I was dreaming when Michelle Obama sat down across from me. I was wearing a formal dress sitting on one of the tall bar stools at our local pub, in the quiet back corner near the dartboard.
Julie Clawson 2-10-2010
I love my church. And I love that it isn't afraid to explore the difficult issues -- and figure out how to do so in loving ways.
Zack Exley 2-02-2010

100202-glenn-beckI used to be just like Glenn Beck, only without the multi-million dollar TV show: I used to get attention by angrily, and humorously, attacking politicians. I'm ashamed of how I acted back then. And now, of all people, it's Glenn Beck who's attacking me on TV for it...

Neeraj Mehta 1-25-2010
Last week my wife and I had the grand opportunity to leave our two kids in the care of her parents and spend five days on vacation in California.
Heather Wilson 1-22-2010
While the story of bible-verses-on-gun-scopes is getting more press, I am just (if not more) disturbed to read of a U.S.
Jarrod McKenna 1-14-2010
Sam Harris, Richard Dawkin, and Christopher Hitchens have nothing on the greatest evangelist of atheism today, Pat Robertson.
Logan Isaac 11-09-2009
Like so many across our country, I have been reeling about the news coming out of Ft. Hood, TX.
Soong-Chan Rah 11-06-2009
Without trying to be too presumptuous about the resolution of an ongoing story, I'm doing some personal reflection on the last few days.
Bart Campolo 10-27-2009
It is Sunday night, and I am suddenly awake at the crack of too-close gunfire.
Every dawning day we wake to the news of human violence against humanity. We see images of soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan who've traveled a long way from home to fight terrorists.
Jim Wallis 9-18-2009

Glenn Beck has received a lot of attention for his inflammatory rhetoric lately. Recently, he shared a personal story about his daughter who has cerebral palsy, which gets to the heart of his fears about health-care reform:

I love my fellow citizens who have taken to the street against President Obama and his plans for health-care reform.
Elizabeth Palmberg 8-07-2009
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