
Jeremy Del Rio 10-01-2009

"He who sings prays twice." -- Saint Augustine

"What's going on?" -- Marvin Gaye

Allison Johnson 9-25-2009
A recent Center for American Progress report," href=""">
Efrem Smith 9-22-2009
It's always hard to narrow down Pastor Efrem's sermons to a few key minutes, and this one was no exception. Preaching from Matthew 25, he puts some extended focus on the health-care debate.
Lisa Sharon Harper 9-18-2009
Tea-totaling party animals are crying the mantra of the Ghosts of Conservatives-past, "Blankety blank blank will change our American way of life!" Now all the president's men and women -- especiall
The United States is the richest nation on earth. It has some of the best-trained physicians and best medical facilities on earth. It is a leader in medical innovation and medical education.
Cathleen Falsani 9-04-2009

To work is to pray.

It's a Latin phrase that the Order of St. Benedict adopted as its motto.

St. Benedict, the founder of the order, recognized the sacred value of hard work, the notion that through the sweat of our brows and the strength of our arms and backs, we can worship the Creator.

Jim Wallis 9-03-2009
I have never really trusted those who are intolerant and condemning of other people's shortcomings. It makes me suspect they are likely hiding their own.
Logan Isaac 8-31-2009
I recently received a reply or two on my last blog post, regarding Sgt.
I woke up this morning planning an essay for God's Politics about love and fear. It will be another essay in support of health-care reform. This issue has commandeered my pen.

Mimi Haddad 8-24-2009
Does it seem curious to you that when the issue of leadership in the church is discussed, gender is frequently cited as a primary element to consider?
Kevin Lum 8-11-2009
Jim Wallis and other faith leaders from across America kicked off "40 Days for Health Reform"
Gareth Higgins 8-10-2009
Regular readers will know that in the past year, I embarked on a genuinely life-altering journey. I emigrated to the United States, got married, and now make my home in North Carolina.
It's an e-mail to make your blood boil.

I am a seminary professor. Activism is not something that comes naturally to me, but I am learning!
Logan Isaac 8-04-2009
I'm a big fan of iTunesU, and I usually try to listen to informative podcasts on long drives, since I can't read and drive simultaneously.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), article 25 paragraph 1 says: "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, i