
When a Fox News pundit who has helped force the resignation of White House advisers is promising he'll be
Jim Wallis 3-15-2010

Last week, when radio and television talk show host Glenn Beck said that social justice i

Jim Wallis 3-10-2010

Glenn Beck says Christians should leave churches that use the word "social justice." He says social justice is a code word for communism and Nazism.


Ernesto Tinajero 3-10-2010
In a recent show, Glenn Beck told his listeners to watch out for churches that use the term "social justice," or "economic justice." He thinks that those terms are code words that will lead to the
Michael Hidalgo 3-09-2010

Recently Glenn Beck made some comments about leaving a church if the priest or pastor speaks about "social justice." He instructed his listeners to "look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church Web site" and then, should they find those words, told t

Shane Claiborne 2-26-2010

Something sort of mystical and magical happened after a 19-year-old kid named Papito was killed on our block a few weeks ago. As our neighborhood ached and grieved and cried with his family, we began to create a memorial for Papito where he died

Eugene Cho 2-03-2010

Several weeks ago, I had an extensive phone interview with a reporter from The New York Times about the growing popularity of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) in the wide and nebulous net of "evangelical churches." The reporter had come across one of my previous blog entries

Edward Gilbreath 1-12-2010
Racial reconciliation among evangelicals is one of those slippery topics that come and go based on which national leader is currently jazzed about it.
Nate Van Duzer 12-28-2009
Does this sound familiar? A poor, minority community experiences high levels of violence and drug dealing. A predominantly white police force sweeps in and arrests many offenders.
Nadia Bolz-Weber 12-22-2009
Again this Wednesday we joined the broader church in singing vespers, the evening prayer which always includes Mary's song, the Magnificat.
Aaron Taylor 12-11-2009
As a career missionary to Africa, I fear what would happen to me on judgment day if I didn't speak out against what is happening in Uganda right now in the name of Christ.
Alex Gee 11-25-2009
Dane County, Wisconsin, is an amazing community for African-American babies to be born into. It is a horrible community in which to live if you are an adult African-American male.
Soong-Chan Rah 11-23-2009
To Mike Foster and Jud Wilhite, and the leaders of Zondervan Publishing,

Jim Wallis 10-22-2009

Earlier this month, I was in Dallas for the official launch of Sojourners' next Justice Revival.