
Julie Clawson 3-15-2011

Whether it was a brilliant marketing strategy or just a sad reflection of the charged atmosphere of Christian dialogue these days, one cannot deny that Rob Bell's latest book

Jim Wallis 3-09-2011


[Editors' note: During the season of Lent we will be posting excerpts from the Rediscovering Values Lenten Study Guide. We invite you to study God's word with us through these posts.]

Will you be giving up chocolate for Lent? Coffee? Then why not fast for justice? Why not abstain from shopping at grocery stores that scoff at the notion of Fair Trade for farmworkers here at home?

Eugene Cho 2-24-2011
In a pluralistic world of a plethora of thoughts, ideas, philosophies, and worldviews, it makes total sense to me that Christians need to be equipped and engaged in "contending" for the gospel.

Jacqueline Klamer 2-22-2011

More than a year after an earthquake stalled the country's economy, some business owners in Haiti have recovered and expanded production faster than expected. "The key word is innovation," says Daniel Jean-Louis, business professor in Port-au-Prince.

Andrew Wainer 2-17-2011
Even before the 112th Congress convened in January, we knew that advancing progressive immigration policy would be challenging.
Julie Clawson 2-08-2011

I admit, I only watch the Super Bowl for the commercials. Yes, it's crass and consumerist, but seeing how marketers decide to spend millions of dollars in an attempt to manipulate me each year holds some sort of strange appeal (twisted as it may be).

Debra Dean Murphy 1-26-2011
"Education is not primarily an industry and its proper use is not to serve industries, either by job-training or by industry-subsidized research." --
Brigitte Gynther 1-11-2011
January 11 is recognized around the world as Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
Sheldon Good 1-11-2011
God's heart broke just as ours did upon hearing of the victims in Tucson.
Heather Wilson 12-15-2010
Interfaith leaders and graduating high school students from across the United States joined hands to pray in the Hart Senate Office Building yesterday at the end of a http://www.christianp
Sheldon Good 12-13-2010
Anxiety set in for many people in Haiti long before Dec.
LaVonne Neff 12-02-2010
A lot of us don't have as much disposable income as we had two or three years ago. Some of us have a lot less. But Christmas is coming, and we still want to give.
Jim Wallis 11-18-2010
There has been a lot of talk about deficits lately. This is for good reasons. Our personal and national relationship to debt is indeed a moral issue.
Elizabeth Palmberg 11-09-2010
California's teachers are helping lead the way in recognizing that gambling on hunger is a way to lose your money -- and to hurt the world's poorest people.
Bryan Farrell 11-04-2010
As genetically modified organisms (GMOs) become more prevalent, so do protests against them.
Debra Dean Murphy 11-03-2010
Some brief observations on the 2010 election season which, thankfully, has come to an end:

Elizabeth Palmberg 11-02-2010

Imagine a world in which Wall Street decided that vaccines were a good investment -- not pharmaceutical companies, but doses of medicine themselves. Speculators might start hoarding a mixed portfolio of polio, tetanus, and swine flu vaccines in a refrigerated warehouse.