
Melvin Bray 8-04-2010
One day I'd love to understand why conservatives seem so good at public relations, while liberals, at ridicule.
Eugene Cho 8-03-2010
By now, most of you have heard of the dramatic news of Anne Rice's simple statement of "quitting Christianity." I'm amazed how much coverage this has received -- everywhere.

Eugene Cho 7-08-2010

Everyone needs to read this.

Every Christian needs to read this.

Every Christian, pastor, leader, community organizer, and influencer needs to read this.

Jim Wallis 7-02-2010

Yesterday, President Barack Obama spoke on the moral issue of reforming a "broken and dangerous" immigration system, in a speech that grew

Truth is a two-edged sword that cuts both ways. We may wield it against an enemy with great satisfaction. However, the truth also cuts us, and does so with a fare-thee-well.
Jim Wallis 5-06-2010
After Glenn Beck said "social justice is a perversion of the gospel" and a "code" for Marxism, communism, and Nazism, I invited him to a public dialogue to discuss the true meaning of social justic
Crissy Brooks 4-30-2010
Recently I turned to a conservative, white businessman friend to get some insight into how immigrants enhance our culture.

Last week, The Washington Post's On Faith site devoted their weekly Q&A to the debate over social justice which they titled, "Wallis vs.

Cesar Baldelomar 4-08-2010

The Catholic church is reeling from the several sexual abuse allegations that have come to light over the past three months. Downplaying the severity of this scandal will only further damage the already beleaguered church's image and credibility. Many in the media blame Pope Benedict XVI for the mismanagement of the sexual abuse crisis.

Neeraj Mehta 3-31-2010
Why are people poor? Why do they stay poor? What would it take to get them out of poverty? These are major questions that have been heavily debated for a century in our country.

Ernesto Tinajero 3-30-2010
The other has been a philosophical idea with a rich history.
Nadia Bolz-Weber 12-22-2009
Again this Wednesday we joined the broader church in singing vespers, the evening prayer which always includes Mary's song, the Magnificat.
John Gehring 10-23-2009
Just in time for Halloween, Bill Donohue of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights is once again spooked about all those "radical secularists" lurking ominously behind ever corner.
Margaret Benefiel 10-20-2009
Sen. Lindsey Graham demonstrated recently what soulful leadership looks like in the Republican Party.
Jose Morales 10-14-2009
What is at the core of the immigration issue? What is the driving force of the debate? I say it is fear.

There is some good conversation going around God's Politics partner blogs about what role race is playing in the current wave of opposition to Obama's policies, including Rep.
Jim Wallis 7-31-2009
In recent days, it seems that the Religious Right is trying everything they can to derail the health-care reform our country so desperately needs.