archie bunker

Joe Kay 6-08-2016

Image via Jim Ellwanger/Flickr

Fearing those who are different from us seems to be our default setting as humans. It’s true for me. I’m more comfortable in groups of people who are more like me in some ways. People who think like me and have similar life experiences. Yeah, there’s that little bit of Archie in me, too. It’s just a human trait, I suppose, woven throughout our history and religious texts. And so is this: the moral and spiritual imperative to push past our innate fears and learn love each other and appreciate our differences. 
Leroy Barber 6-22-2009

I attended a majority white high school in the late '70s and since that time my life has been one cross-cultural bowl of spaghetti. It tastes good but is really messy, sometimes sauce all over your shirt.