The Day the Border Disappears | Sojourners

The Day the Border Disappears

"When 6 o’clock comes, it’s like Cinderella: You have to go back."
Kids from Mexico and the U.S. in the Rio Grande. Photo by Jessica Lutz/Reuters

“For me it’s like a family reunion. Because before the border between Pasos Lajitas, Mexico, and Lajitas, Texas, was closed, it was like a big family. Everybody knew each other; some people worked in the United States and lived in Mexico. They came back and forth without anybody stopping them to make sure they had documents.

But after 9/11, in May 2002, the border was suddenly closed and people got separated. So the community decided that we should have a family reunion every year on that date.

When we arrive, we put up a little shade. For me, I cannot cross to Mexico, but my familia does, my Mexican family does cross over.

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