Communities Sharing the Sojourn | Sojourners

Communities Sharing the Sojourn

In Burlington, Vermont, the organizer of our most recent "Let Justice Roll" event said it clearly: "The committee we've gathered to make these arrangements has become my primary community. We do not have to wonder about our basic assumptions; we are together on the journey." A pastor in Pasadena, California, contacts us often to report on his community of church activists and their efforts for justice. Wherever we go these days, the same longing is expressed in a variety of ways: "Community is what we want; it's no longer possible to go it alone; we want to share the sojourn."

This need to share the journey at every level is consistent with our faith, which holds up the model of Jesus' gathering of his disciples to share his mission. Today the complexity of life, the multiplicity of issues, and the difficulties we face demand that we join together on the pilgrimage.

Recently in Canton, Ohio, more than 60 justice and peace organizers gathered in a coalition of faith to invite our "Let Justice Roll" tour into the area. They came from different denominations, had wide representation of people of color, and spoke for human rights issues in Canton and beyond. One spokesperson made the telling observation, "We can gather locally around justice issues; Sojourners has to link us nationally."

For these reasons--the yearning to share the sojourn and the variety of motivations for doing so--we offer here some thoughts about community. In addition, we want to tell you about the resources Sojourners is planning, to assist and link communities already formed and those just beginning.

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Sojourners Magazine February-March 1992
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