Beyond the Pages of the Magazine | Sojourners

Beyond the Pages of the Magazine

A Sign of Hope

Those of you who have come to visit us know that Sojourners is, first of all, a community of faith, living and worshiping in the inner city of Washington, D.C. Sojourners Neighborhood Center has become a sign of hope in a drug-infested urban war zone, just blocks from the White House. Here people--especially children--learn together that there is an alternative to the poverty, violence, and despair that every day threaten their existence.

For Sojourners Community, dwelling and working in such a place has been an experiment in the gospel, inspired by the biblical notion that you don't know the truth until it becomes a part of your life. In our own small way, we are trying to do the things we speak of in the magazine, and not just suggest them to others. A guest ministry and internship program have brought many people to the community over 20 years.

An Agent of Change

Most of you will remember the role Sojourners played during the Gulf crisis, catalyzing and organizing opposition to the war, especially in the churches. Many of you will recall how we have helped launch many projects such as Witness for Peace, the Pledge of Resistance, and the Nuclear Weapons Freeze campaign.

Currently, we are centrally involved in the 1992/Kairos USA project, a multiracial effort calling for reflection, repentance, and redirection at this 500-year anniversary of Europeans coming to the Americas. Through the extensive use of our study guide America's Original Sin, along with regular presentations, seminars, and consultations, Sojourners continues to carry out an active campaign to combat racism and build a multicultural American future.

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Sojourners Magazine February-March 1992
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