Ruth Everhart 11-01-2017

#MeToo presents an opportunity to make amends and do better. Individual congregations and whole denominations can adjust how they respond to victims. They can confess ways in which they have shamed and silenced and expressed contempt. And they can make reparations to those whom they have hurt, even unintentionally. 

Juliet Vedral 11-01-2017

While watching the film, seeing one friend sacrifice so much so that the other could have this experience, it becomes clear that the pilgrimage I’ll Push You takes us on is the way of love.

the Web Editors 11-01-2017

During that time, there have been reports of at least three miscarriages by women in detention "due to mistreatment and medical neglect, a cruel trauma that no expecting mother should have to endure," the members wrote.

Jim Wallis 11-01-2017

Many of us became deeply involved in the struggle for immigration reform because we strongly believe that fixing our broken immigration system is much more than a political issue or a legal question; it is a moral imperative, and it’s long overdue. The Bible does not lead us to a particular bill or piece of legislation. But our faith as Christians compels us to struggle for a more humane, more compassionate, and more sensible immigration system. Indeed, the Scriptures could not be clearer.


One issue black people have with Reformed theology is its Eurocentric roots. Reformed theology came to America by way of European countries, including France, England, Scotland, and the Netherlands. White, educated men crafted the teachings, wrote the books and led the churches. They did not have black people in mind.

"I am profoundly saddened by the terrorist attacks in these recent days in Somalia, Afghanistan, and yesterday in New York," the pope said in an address to mark All Saints' Day, adding that he was praying for the victims and their families.

Eugene Hung 11-01-2017

As someone who served as a fulltime Christian minister for more than a dozen years, and who later worked for a nonprofit that mobilized men and boys to advocate for women and girls, I’d like to take a moment to focus on the role of churches. I believe that churches must change how they address sexual violence.

The New York City Police Department, in a post on Twitter, said that one vehicle struck another, then the driver of one of the vehicles "got out displaying imitation firearms and was shot by police."

Police said the suspect was taken into custody.

"Just as the freedom of belief always has to be protected from religious fanaticism, so freedom of worship, on the other hand, requires that religion be protected from contempt," Merkel added

Which is why, lastly, I am certain that the road to restored unity among Christians will not take another 500 years. The signs are all here.