It’s Time for Whites to Accept Responsibility for Racist Systems | Sojourners

It’s Time for Whites to Accept Responsibility for Racist Systems

Photo by Heather Wilson / PICO
Jim Wallis and Cornell West march to the Ferguson police station on Aug. 13. Photo by Heather Wilson / PICO

I and many other faith leaders came to Ferguson, Missouri, on Sunday and Monday because of Michael Brown—an 18-year-old black teenager who, though unarmed, was shot and killed by a white police officer on August 9. My first thoughts when I heard the news were about my 16-year-old son Luke. I knew how unlikely it would be that this would ever happen to my white son in America.

Coming to Ferguson was about Michael Brown. But Ferguson has also become a parable for our nation. Jesus often told parables. A parable is just a story, but often one with a simple but important point.

The Ferguson parable is simply this: black lives in America are worth less than white lives—especially in our criminal justice system. And the parable of Ferguson rings true around the nation, with the many young black men who were and have been assaulted, shot and killed before and after Michael Brown.

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