The Best in Christian Press | Sojourners

The Best in Christian Press

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Celebrating the best in Christian press for the past year, the Associated Church Press (ACP) recently honored Sojourners with 17 awards, including Best in Class for Sojourners magazine and Best in Class for the God's Politics blog!

Sojourners magazine also received 16 record-setting awards from the Evangelical Press Association (EPA) earlier this month.

We are grateful to all of YOU for being such enthusiastic readers, responders, and sharers of the work we do! Check out the following award-winning blog and magazine articles.

ACP Awards of Excellence (first place)

General Excellence: Best in Class: Blog—God's Politics blog

General Excellence: Best in Class: General Interest Magazine—Sojourners magazine

Seasonal Article: "War on Christmas? Sign This Minister Up!" by Mark Sandlin, God's Politics blog

Humor, Written: “‘Honey, We Are Home’" by Ed Spivey Jr.

Photography: "Fading Obama" by Heather Wilson

First-Person Account: "Can These Bones Live?" by Emilie Teresa Smith

News Story: "Standing Up To Death Squads" by Elizabeth Palmberg

ACP Awards of Merit (second place)

Theme Issue or Series, website or blog: "Meet the Nones" by Sandi Villarreal, et. al.

Interview: "The Face of Hate" by Joanie Eppinga

Theological Reflection, short format: "Into the Dark Woods" by Rose Marie Berger

Media Review Section: "CultureWatch" edited by Julie Polter

Critical Review: "Nothing But the Blood?” by Kathyrn Reklis

Feature Article, short format: "The Book Smugglers" by Belinda Acosta

ACP Honorable Mention (third place)

Feature Article, website or blog: "Drone Watch: Death from Above" by Duane Shank

Poetry: "Reading Ayn Rand at the Hospital" by Mark Hiskes

Theological or Scholarly Article: "The Way of Peace and Grace" by Derek Flood

Magazine Cover: "America the Exceptional" by Ken Davis and Ed Spivey Jr.

EPA Award of Merit

General Interest Publication: Sojourners magazine

EPA First Place

Editorial: "Iraq: It's Finally Over—and It Was Wrong" by Jim Wallis

Devotional: "Sheer Christianity" by Wesley Granberg-Michaelson

Poetry: "Trumpet" by Annie Deppe

Interview Article: "The Face of Hate" by Joanie Eppinga

First-Person Article: "Can These Bones Live?" by Emilie Teresa Smith

Department: "CultureWatch" edited by Julie Polter

Titles: "Paul's Letter to the 1%;" "‘Humankind's Most Savage Cruelty’;" & "Can These Bones Live?"

EPA Second Place

Cause of the Year (Extreme Poverty): "Jubilee and Beyond" by Elaine Storkey

Student Writer of the Year: "All in the Family" by Michaela Bruzzese

EPA Third Place

General Article (Medium): "Can These Bones Live?" by Emilie Teresa Smith

EPA Fourth Place

Critical Review: "Life Under Empire" by Julie Clawson

Original Art (Digital/Mixed Media): "America the Exceptional" by Ken Davis

Humorous: "‘Honey, We Are Home’" by Ed Spivey, Jr.

EPA Fifth Place

Original Art (Traditional): "Mission Creep" by Jon Krause

General Article (Short): "Slaves in Our Family" by Rose Marie Berger