May Day and the Occupation | Sojourners

May Day and the Occupation

May Day workers' event in Bordeaux, France. PIERRE ANDRIEU/AFP/GettyImages.
May Day workers' event on May 1, 2012 in Bordeaux, France. PIERRE ANDRIEU/AFP/GettyImages.

Today is May Day – an historic day of protest and action for the working class. This year, in light of the Occupy movement, many are hopeful of the resurgence this day can bring in the fight for national against economic injustice.  

Stay tuned to all the latest developments at Mother Jones, who – in conjunction with Media for the 99 percent – is providing an interactive map that tracks city gatherings, news articles, and breaking arrests.

You can also read a little on the history of May Day from The Nation’s Peter Rothberg, including a 10-song playlist of anthems to labor workers and protest.

And lastly, visit Occupy Wall Street’s homepage for a live stream of events from the place “the 99 percent” movement began. Stay up-to-date on the Solidarity March and similar events.

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