Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: April 5, 2012 | Sojourners

Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: April 5, 2012

An Australian DJ splices and mashes various parts from Monsters Inc. into a groovy house/dance remix song called “Boo Bass.” [Pogo Mix]

Musical icon Jim Marshall, hugely known in the recording and performance industry for pioneering Marshall amplifiers, passed away today at age 88. Take a look Marshall’s fame in this clip, where their amps “go to eleven.” [Washington Post]    

Google Street View takes its cameras to the White House. Take the virtual tour of it. [Google Maps and Google Blog] Curious what else Google is up to? Google Glasses.

Paint your walls with your hair (and heavy metal music). [Viral Viral Videos]

Could the four Beatles’ sons all form a band? [Paste]

President Obama gives the Vulcan salute in the Oval Office as he stands next to Nichelle Nichols, who played Lieutenant Uhura on Star Trek. [Kotaku]

Take a look at Woody Allen’s new film To Rome with Love, featuring Allen, Alec Baldwin, Penelope Cruz, Jesse Eisenberg, and more. [Huffington Post]

Joshua Witchger is an online assistant at Sojourners. Read more from Joshua on his blog, hail fellow well met.