Standing (Online) With Immigrants | Sojourners

Standing (Online) With Immigrants

This Sunday, March 21, we invite you to join with us and thousands of other people of faith from around the country, and with tens of thousands of other Americans, at March for America: Change Takes Courage and Faith. Come show your solidarity with immigrants to America and their families, and our support for just and humane immigration reform.

Can't make it to D.C. this weekend? Show your solidarity online, by adopting this image as your profile picture on Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media platforms you frequent. Once you've done that, please post a status/tweet along the lines of, "I'm showing my solidarity with immigrants. Join me:"

Rally organizers expect almost 100,000 people to converge on the National Mall, but we know there is still work to do in educating the country on the need for immigration reform. Perhaps these status updates will help us show support and start conversations with folks who might not agree with us on the issue. As we have seen with other online actions, our collective action can be a powerful presence of solidarity.

We'd love for you to join us in this, and change your status for the coming week -- particularly leading into and immediately following this Sunday's rally.

Not sure how you feel about immigration reform? Check out to see how the Christian scriptures teach on the subject of immigrants. You can also read our blog series, "Voices of Immigration" to learn more about recent immigrants to our country. If you're local, we look forward to seeing you in D.C. this coming Sunday! (And if you're coming, please feel free to join us at our pre-rally prayer service.) If you can't make it, we look forward to standing with you, and with our immigrant brothers and sisters, online.

portrait-justin-fungJustin Fung is the policy and organizing assistant for Sojourners. A graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary, he also blogs regularly at Gershom's Journal.