M2EP Images: How to Be a Light on the Hill | Sojourners

M2EP Images: How to Be a Light on the Hill

As the videos in recent posts have demonstrated, grassroots advocacy on Capitol Hill was a key part of the Mobilization to End Poverty. But key to preparation for that advocacy was worship. That's an important part of how Christian activists keep clear in their hearts and minds where true power resides. Here are two of my favorite photos that I took this week, one from our hall of worship Tuesday morning, and one from the halls of Congress that afternoon, as advocates pressed their elected officials to support an agenda that prioritizes the poor.

(You can see maaaaany more photos from the Mobilization on my archive, which is still being updated at the time of this posting. I hope to have all of the Mobilization images uploaded by the end of the week.)

Justice as an Act of Worship

Congressional Visits

Ryan Rodrick Beiler is the Web Editor for Sojourners and a freelance photojournalist whose work can be found at www.ryanrodrickbeiler.com.

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