The latest news on Same-Sex Marriage, North Korea, Medical Ghostwriting, Obama-Mideast, Britain Mourns, and Editorial. | Sojourners

The latest news on Same-Sex Marriage, North Korea, Medical Ghostwriting, Obama-Mideast, Britain Mourns, and Editorial.

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Health-Care Bill. Democrats Seem Set to Go It Alone on a Health Bill "Given hardening Republican opposition to Congressional health care proposals, Democrats now say they see little chance of the minority’s cooperation in approving any overhaul." The next healthcare battle: cutting Medicare Advantage "President Obama, struggling to discredit bogus charges that his healthcare overhaul would create ‘death panels,’ soon could face another emotionally charged obstacle -- a plan to trim the federal subsidy for a program used by nearly a quarter of Medicare beneficiaries." Obama to preach his healthcare message to religious leaders "President Obama has barnstormed the country to sell his healthcare overhaul directly to sometimes-skeptical Americans. Today he will bring his message to a friendlier audience -- faith leaders who see reform as an ethical and religious imperative."

Same-Sex Marriage. An Unexpected Ally’s Road to Championing Same-Sex Marriage "Theodore B. Olson, a conservative legal star, hopes to reshape the legal and social landscape, fighting a gay marriage ban in California." Why Ted Olson Agreed to Fight for Gay Marriage "Theodore Olson is known as a conservative former solicitor general who defended US terrorism policies and helped put George W. Bush."

North Korea. In North Korea, Clinton Helped Unveil a Mystery "Bill Clinton’s visit gave the Obama administration its first detailed look into a regime that looms as a major threat." N. Korean Envoys to Attend Funeral of S. Korean Ex-President, Report Says "Such an official visit would signal a dramatic change in policy regarding diplomatic exchanges between the two countries."

Medical Ghostwriting. Senator Moves to Block Medical Ghostwriting "Pressure from Washington may force changes in drug companies’ involvement with research papers." Grassley Presses NIH On Drug Company Ghostwriting "The NIH told the Times that the responsibility for policing ghostwriting falls upon institutions that employ the researchers."

Obama-Mideast. Obama Sees ‘Positive Steps’ in Mideast "Speaking after a meeting with President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, President Obama said Israel was moving in the right direction on settlements." Obama, Meeting With Mubarak, Says He's Optimistic About Mideast Peace Efforts "Acknowledging that the Middle East peace process is in a ‘rut,’ President Obama nonetheless voiced confidence Tuesday that a breakthrough can be achieved -- and he thanked Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, whom he hosted for meetings at the White House, for playing a constructive role."

Fake Letters to Congress. More Fake Letters to Congress on Energy Bill "Investigators have uncovered a total of nine letters sent to Congress falsely claiming to be from charities expressing opposition to climate change legislation." Congress Discovers Another Forged Advocacy Letter "A Congressional committee's inquiry has turned up a 13th forged letter criticizing a climate-change bill, this time in the name of a Charlottesville senior center, and sent to a lawmaker by a Washington lobbying firm."

Baghdad. At Least 75 Killed in Series of Attacks in Baghdad "The wave of attacks in Baghdad, which also wounded 300 people, was among the most devastating since the withdrawal of U.S. forces from street patrols in June." Bombs kill 75, wound 300 in Baghdad "Today's toll is the worst in the capital since U.S. troops finished withdrawing from Iraq's cities."

Britain Mourns. British town becomes the epicenter of mourning for the nation's war dead "The hearses roll through with grim regularity now, bearing the heavy weight of flag-shrouded caskets and a nation's accumulating grief." Crowds gather to honour soldiers "Hundreds gathered to honour three soldiers killed by roadside bombs in Afghanistan as their hearses passed through the town of Wootton Bassett."

Afghanistan Elections. Afghans' Low Expectations Ensure Karzai Is Favorite in Race, Despite Poor Record "Afghans' Low Expectations Ensure Incumbent Is Favorite in Presidential Race, Despite Poor Record." Violence, death toll mount before Afghanistan elections "On the eve of landmark presidential elections, the rattle of gunfire and the thunder of explosions again echoed through the capital -- part of a pattern of escalating violence that threatened to keep some Afghans away from the polls Thursday."

Editorial. Op-Ed Columnist: This Is Reform? "Giving consumers the choice of an efficient, government-run insurance plan would have moved us toward real cost control, but that option seems gone. The public deserves better."

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