Afternoon News Bytes: March 5, 2012 | Sojourners

Afternoon News Bytes: March 5, 2012

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE: Poverty: Who Is Talking About It?
In this election year, when the nation is debating its obligations to those in economic distress, the poor have two faces.
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THE HUFFINGTON POST: Pro-Life Argument Deserves Hearing In Mercury Ruling (OPINION)
Would Jesus have multiplied fish contaminated with mercury and given them to pregnant women among the multitudes? I don't think so. But for supporting decreased mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants -- and framing the matter in pro-life terms -- the Evangelical Environmental Network faces the wrath of some conservative religious groups and Republican lawmakers.
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THE CHRISTIAN POST: Rick Warren: 'Flat Out Wrong' That Muslims, Christians View God The Same
Influential evangelist Pastor Rick Warren has labeled as "flat out wrong" a local newspaper's assertion that he believes Muslims and Christians worship the same God, has partnered with Southern California mosques and has agreed not to evangelize Muslims.
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THE ATLANTIC: Who's Really To Blame For Apple's Chinese Labor Problems?
Work conditions at Foxconn, an Apple supplier in China, have reignited a debate about labor regulations in the country. After a New York Times expose on the Shenzhen-based factory, more U.S. media focused on the on the issue, calling for a response from Apple executives.
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POLITICO: Timothy Dolan To Rush Limbaugh: 'Do It Civilly'
The Archbishop of New York admonished Rush Limbaugh on Sunday, asserting that the campaign against the Obama administration’s birth control mandate shouldn’t be “pugnacious,” according to a report. “Whatever we do, and however strongly we feel, we do it charitably, we do it civilly,” Timothy Cardinal Dolan said after Sunday morning Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, according to the New York Daily News.
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THE DAILY BEAST: Foreign Policy: The Wild Card In 2012 Campaign
If there was one iron law I learned in my years working in the White House it is this: stuff happens. (Of course, we had a more scatalogical way of putting it, but you get the point.) Life is uncertain, and the White House is uncertainty cubed. I often felt like one of those old vaudevillians who spun plates on The Ed Sullivan Show. A good day meant no plates dropped.
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SALON: Beyond The Free Market
The 2012 presidential campaign is shaping up into a clash of economic visions. In response to the escalating GOP criticisms of his fiscal policies, Barack Obama has recently dialed up his own rhetoric, defending programs from financial reform to the auto bailout and the stimulus, and castigating conservatives for their “you’re-on-your-own” economics.
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THE HUFFINGTON POST: The Pastor And The President: A Tale Of Faith
The conventional wisdom is that the political left in America is suspicious of stories of presidential faith and the political right is suspicious of stories of presidential faith that involve Barack Obama. What we often lose in the crush between the two are those tender, endearing episodes that sometimes arise from a presidency and become treasured in American memory.
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