Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: May 17, 2012 | Sojourners

Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: May 17, 2012

Nick Offerman and Craig Robinson engage in a second Chicago-off, White Sox vs. Cubs. [Funny or Die]

A penguin (formerly known as number 337) escaped from a zoo in Japan in March, and just this week spotted alive and well near the Tokyo Bay. [Yahoo]

99 Percent Invisible, Public Radio Exchange’s wonderful radio show on design, examines the U.S. currency from a critical artist’s perspective. [99 Percent Invisible]

One sentence stereotypes of people by their favorite 90s band. [Flavorwire]

One summer a squirrel nabbed a whole pan of brownies from my family’s picnic table, we don’t have it on film, but here’s 16 videos where people had a camera nearby to document a sneaky squirrel. [Huffington Post]

Give yourself a visual history of Europe from 1000 AD until 2003, with this video map of the ever-changing region. [Huffington Post]