
Eugene Cho 7-09-2009
I really hope no one gets offended
Alan Bean 7-08-2009

What lessons do we take away from the Jena 6 story? Six young men won't be dragging a felony conviction into adult life. That's reason for rejoicing, but as this saga approaches its third birthday, it's fair to ask if we have learned anything.

Edward Gilbreath 7-06-2009

You can't do church in the 21st century without a vision for cultural diversity, says author and theologian Soong-Chan Rah.

Alan Bean 6-29-2009

The Jena 6 and Justin Barker are now free to move ahead with their lives. The terms of the plea agreement were revealed in the course of a two-hour court hearing at the LaSalle Parish courthouse.

Only God can or ought to judge Michael Jackson's personal life. We do not have enough information to judge his behavior, but we do know that we have lost a true musical genius.

Edward Gilbreath 6-26-2009
Let the wall-to-wall Michael Jackson coverage continue.
Edward Gilbreath 6-25-2009

It's hot in Chicago. Summer is officially doing its thing.

Harper McConnell 6-24-2009

It was hard to miss me on the lava-rocked streets of Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, while I was working for a locally led organization, HEAL Africa. I lacked the grace of Congolese women who glided across the tumultuous terrain in high heels while I tripped over the ubiquitous black rocks.

Neeraj Mehta 6-24-2009
Why are people poor? I remember being asked this question 10 years ago while training for a program I was volunteering with.
Every day across America we see self-segregation in lunchrooms, in classrooms, and in church pews on Sunday morning. But how about online?

I am heartened by a new analysis of data from a 2006 Pew Research Center poll, which indicates that people who go to c
Brian McLaren 6-17-2009
Jim Wallis is one of the most talented interviewees I've ever known. He knows how to get substance, not just spin, into a sound byte, and he has an amazing ability to think on his feet.
Anyone watching the news over the past couple of months will have noticed a flurry of action from two of the nations in former President Bush's infamous "Axis of Evil." North Korea tested a long-ra
George Mitrovich 6-16-2009
On the day my father died I was 1,200 miles away.

Cathleen Falsani 6-08-2009
One of the everyday things Vasco has enjoyed most since arriving in Chicago from Malawi five weeks ago is being able to go into the kitchen and pour a cool glass of crystal clear water, from the si
Raising one half-African son and one of mixed European descent posed both ordinary and unique parenting challenges for my husband and me.
Eugene Cho 6-05-2009

Welcome to the month of June. Did you know that May is considered Asian Pacific Heritage Month? Don't worry, most folks don't know or care either.

Seth Naicker 6-02-2009
Homecoming is on my mind in this day and this hour.