
Brian McLaren 6-15-2011

In addition to my summer reading recommendations from the other day, I need to mention a few more.

Ed Spivey Jr. 6-15-2011

Speaking of my granddaughter, I was changing her diaper the other day, and in the contents I'm pretty sure I saw ...

This hymn was originally used for the dedication of the 180 solar panels on the sanctuary of Limestone Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, Delaware where I am the co-pastor.
Eugene Cho 6-09-2011

Have you heard the story of Sung-Bong Choi? I absolutely love these kinds of stories. And it's not that I just love these kinds of stories, I need these kinds of stories. Perhaps, we all need these kind of stories.

Brian McLaren 6-09-2011
Here are a few books I've been reading and would like to recommend to you for the coming summer:

Jeannie Choi 6-03-2011

Awesome people. Vegetarians. Going mute. Here's a little round up of links from around the Web you may have missed this week:

  • Are you a new vegetarian? Some tips.
  • Kathy Khang shares more about her experience with depression.
  • Don't you sometimes wish you could just hit the mute button?

"Pentecost is God's 'show-and-tell' lesson that after the incarnation no one people has a purchase on the fullness of God. No single denomination, no one race, no one ethnicity, and no one socioeconomic group mediates God's fullness to the world. Diversity is an essential attribute of a Spirit-filled church (Acts 2:8,18)."

Betsy Shirley 6-03-2011

Bio: Founded Empowering and Strengthing Ohio's People (ESOP) to stop predatory lending and home foreclosures. Website:

Ed Spivey Jr. 6-03-2011

Our nation expects bold and innovative leadership. (Kidding.)

Julie Polter 6-03-2011

Julie Polter reviews current books and films.

Gareth Higgins 6-03-2011

Gareth Higgins reviews Batle: Los Angeles, Saving Private Ryan, and Chinatown.

Andrew Bradstock 6-03-2011

The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger, by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. Bloomsbury Press.

Kimberly Burge 6-03-2011

The Better Angels, by John Francis. Horse and Rider/Dualtone.

William O'Brien 6-03-2011

Freedom Journeys: The Tale of Exodus and Wilderness across Millennia, by Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow adn Rabbi Phyllis O. Berman. Jewish Lights Publishing. 

Linda Alvarez 6-01-2011
I love that the Wild Goose Festival is described as festival of justice, spirituality, music, and art.
Jim Wallis 5-31-2011

Despite the ongoing catastrophe of nuclear reactor meltdowns following last spring's earthquake, the Japanese people remain largely supportive of nuclear energy.

Melvin Bray 5-24-2011
This June, I plan to attend the Wild Goose Festival, an arts, music, justice, and spirituality festival in Shakori Hills, North Carolina. My appeal to you is simple.
Steve Holt 5-17-2011

Much ink has been spilled about the so-called "love songs to Jesus" many of us sing week after week at church.

Laura Robinson 5-17-2011
Growing up, I had never heard of John and Stasi Eldredge's Ransomed Heart Ministries and their co-written book,
Marcus Hummon 5-16-2011

I was recently arguing the case of my friend Rosanna with an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official over at the Nashville Municipal Auditorium, a major performance venue in Nashville, Tennessee.

Betsy Shirley 5-16-2011
By the time Egyptian activists in Tahrir square had ousted Mubarak, I'd read more articles labeling it a "Facebook revolution" than you can wave a shoe at.