Civil Disobedience

Gordon Cosby 3-01-1996

The great deliverer of the Hebrew people was Moses.

Tony Campolo 3-01-1996

The Bible gives very clear instructions that Christians should be subject to government authorities (Romans 13:1-4).

Heather Wengerd 3-01-1996

As a social worker at Bread for the City and Zacchaeus Free Clinic, I have had many experiences with those who are suffering.

Richard K. Taylor 3-01-1996
It is wrong to make an idol out of the law.
William O'Brien 3-01-1996

The democratic tradition at its best has always had those who act on conscience in such ways that knowingly defy the immediacy of legal regulation.

Jim Dickerson 3-01-1996

In many ways I feel like a hypocrite in regards to my actions at the Capitol.

Bob Holum 3-01-1996

The rule of law in a free society is an expression of the social contract between the governed and government and between the people and each other.

Joe Roos 3-01-1996

THE OLD TESTAMENT prophets claimed, and the New Testament witnesses affirmed, that a society will be judged (by God) most fundamentally by the way it has treated the poorest and most marginalized in its midst.

Ellen Watkins 3-01-1996

Why would I, a peaceful, usually law-abiding grandmother of four (not even a parking ticket) break the habit of a lifetime and become the "little old lady in tennis shoes"...

Rose Marie Berger 3-01-1996
If we could split ourselves
Killian Noe 3-01-1996

Perhaps I can best explain why I knowingly chose to break the law by recalling a conversation I had with my 7-year-old daughter before she left for school on the morning of December 7.

Maia Twedt 3-01-1996

The story of poverty must be told again and again until we all recognize a responsibility to search for solutions and develop a passion to work toward their implementation.

Art Laffin 3-01-1986

Guilty of conspiracy. Guilty of damaging government property. Guilty of trespass.

Ched Myers 5-01-1983

The Bible and civil disobedience.

Peter Ediger 5-01-1983

Civil disobedience: a forum

A friend, actually the first of many, once asked me a question: "Why do we choose civil disobedience over the more acceptable forms of protest?" The question seemed incorrect.

James W. Douglass 5-01-1983

Civil disobedience: a forum