omar al bashir

Niemat Ahmadi 4-13-2010
As a Darfuri, I recognize the fact that this presidential and parliamentary election in Sudan is an important milestone for the implementation of the North-South Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA)

The murderous regime in Khartoum is showing its true colors again. While they parade and pretend to be preparing for fair elections next week, they are simultaneously giving the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) safe haven in Darfur.

The season of Advent always invites me to contemplate many facets of Christianity: the contrast between what God extols versus the world's values, the power of patience, and the strength of hope. While important in all times and places, each of these themes can especially speak this year to the current situation in Sudan.

Jim Wallis 4-14-2009
In an op-ed piece in Monday's Wall Street Journal, on
Jim Wallis 3-19-2009
Here we are again, and again, and again. It is not a new message or a new concern. People have been suffering, starving, raped, beaten and killed year in and year out.
Charlton Breen 2-24-2009
The United States has recognized that genocide is taking place in Darfur, Sudan. That recognition is now five years old.