
Lucy Fuchs 8-01-2010

Your article "Destroying West Virginia" (Onleilove Alston, June 2010) tore at me.

Ray Higgs 8-01-2010

Thank you for the revealing “A Visit to Birkenau” (by Sami Awad, May 2010).

Bob Rundle 8-01-2010

David Cortright calls for realism in his excellent “How to Rid the World of Nuclear Weapons” (May 2010), but he hardly mentions the role our war industry/military/congressional alliance

John MacMurray 8-01-2010

Thank you for the recent John Fea essay ("Those Who Will Not Learn from History," May 2010) on the educational lunacy going on in Texas.

Rev. Bernard Kern 6-01-2010

“Time to Move Your Money?” combines a pastoral heart with prophetic passion.

In “God’s Two Books” (February 2010), Joel Hunter says: “Remind me again: Why are we afraid of the facts of evolution, instead of drawn to the picture God paints with them?&

Thank you for printing the eloquent letter from Nancy Cannon in the February 2010 issue.

Sojourners has great articles, and advocates for people whom no one else will advocate for. But I will not be renewing my subscription.

We at Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger are honored to be included in Jo Ellen Green Kaiser’s “Do What Is Just” (February 2010), but the article is incorrect about our founding d

I was deeply saddened to learn in Eboo Patel’s coumn “Bridges: Beyond Barrier, Bubble, or Bomb” (January 2010) of April’s experience in a student group at Carleton 11 years

Bravo for finally addressing climate change head-on (December 2009).

Jack Morris 3-01-2010

I was glad to read the review of the United Farm Workers story (“Becoming David,” by Kevin Lum, December 2009), but I was dismayed that nothing was said of the deepest, clearest source


In “Offensive Medicine” (January 2010), Ed Spivey Jr. suggests that President Obama’s next book will be titled The Audacity of Gradual Change.

I look forward to each issue of Sojourners, but I must admit dismay when I started to read the articles by James Jones (“Priests in God’s Garden”) and Ched Myers (“Pa

Lu Mountenay 2-01-2010

The photo on the cover of the December 2009 issue is one of the most haunting reminders of global warming I’ve seen. It seems as though the bear is looking at his own ghost.

Ken Sehested 2-01-2010

I appreciate your making space for Bryan Cones’ “Rites and Rituals” (November 2009). I know and value a number of the resources he annotated.

Nancy Cannon 2-01-2010

Despite my great respect for Sojourners magazine and its staff, I find myself disappointed, once again, as I scan the pages of the magazine.

Gilead Ini 1-01-2010

Robert Hirschfield was wrong about media coverage of Israel and about the media watchdog organization CAMERA (“Peering Through the Wall,” November 2009).

Vincent G. Harding 1-01-2010

An open letter from a civil rights elder to President Obama.