The Easter season concludes with the celebration of one of Christianity’s most beautiful mysteries, the Trinity. The weeks that follow will continue to reveal the mystery of the God who is one, yet three, and we celebrate all the ways God invites us to relationship—as loving parent, incarnate Son, and renewing Spirit.
God incarnate shares the good news: The last are first, the smallest shall blossom into the greatest of trees, the shamed and suffering shall receive healing and a place in God’s reign. Death is not victorious. And when the demands of discipleship challenge us to move out of our comfort zones, when our fear is so great that we begin to fear fear itself, Jesus says, “Quiet! Be still.” Whether we confront economic uncertainty, personal upheaval, or social instability, God reminds us that the one who orders chaos is. Jesus’ impatient question to the disciples—“Have you still no faith?”—reminds us that giving in to fear reveals a lack of faith in God, and comes dangerously close to idolatry.
Paul reminds us that Jesus’ physical presence, however, is not necessary for the work of the kingdom to continue. Through the presence of God as Spirit, we too have the opportunity to be adopted into God’s grace. Pedigree, codes of honor, and holiness do not matter anymore. We can all freely respond to God’s call as Isaiah did: “Here am I; send me!”
Michaela Bruzzese, a Sojourners contributing writer, lives in Brooklyn, New York.
June 7
Choosing to be Born Again
Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29; Romans 8:12-17; John 3:1-17
On this Trinity Sunday, we are presented with images of God as adoptive parent, incarnate Son and savior, and life-giving Spirit. In each manifestation, the choice of whether and how to relate to the triune God is ours.
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