Boondocks is the Doonesbury of the hip-hop era. Its a hip, satirical, back-of-the-book take on the front-page absurdities of the daily news. And, just as Doonesbury was during Vietnam, McGruders Boondocks is in a permanent state of uncompromising resistance to the "war on terror" and the corporate media propaganda that underlies it.
This is a strip in which, in the wake of 9/11, the 10-year-old protagonist, the precocious young revolutionary Huey Freeman, regularly called John Ashcrofts "Terror Information Program" (TIP) line to report the likes of Ronald Reagan, Donald Rumsfeld, and Bushes I and II for their roles in arming, training, and supporting terrorists over the past 20 years.
Boondocks appears in 300 daily newspapers around the United States. At least its in them somewhere, most of the time. As theyve done with Doonesbury, many papers have bumped it to the op-ed page.
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