What Do You Get When You Cross Micah 6 with John 3:16? | Sojourners

What Do You Get When You Cross Micah 6 with John 3:16?

091110-0425-justice-revivalWell, you get progressive evangelicals -- a people who unite those two things too long separated: the invitation to become followers of Jesus and the call to join the struggle for the creation of just societies. What is it that progressive evangelicals do? Well, this week a bunch of them are gathered together in Dallas to call the city together under the aegis of Justice Revival. A revival that calls folks first to become followers -- no, not just followers -- but disciples of Jesus, and then does not stop there but goes on to invite them to become disciples who embody Jesus' concern for the poor and marginalized.

How many of you have experienced the disappointment of finding that those who are most concerned about creating just societies are so often inattentive to inviting folks into relationship with Jesus? Or, on the other hand, experienced the frustration of seeing those who put such a strong emphasis on evangelism that they forget the biblical emphasis upon issues of justice? Well, if you have, then Justice Revival is for you -- whether you are in Dallas this week or not. Join with us, wherever you are, and make this a week of Justice Revival for you by praying for your kindred spirits, Christian brothers and sisters, in Dallas. Then, consider how you can, this week, unite the invitation to become followers of Jesus with the call to become involved in social justice concerns. Partner with us, and let the spirit of Justice Revival take root where you are, and let us do what we progressive evangelicals do best: recognize that participation in the struggle for social justice is not something one adds to being a Christian, but rather that it is at the center of what it means to follow the Crucified One!

Chuck Gutenson is the chief operating officer for Sojourners.