The Morning News: Monday Nov. 21, 2011 | Sojourners

The Morning News: Monday Nov. 21, 2011

THE HUFFINGTON POST: Obama At Church: The Tricky, Exciting, Distracting Business Of Worshipping With A President
The Secret Service agents arrived at Shiloh Baptist Church on a reconnaissance mission just a few days before Easter Sunday. They swept through the sanctuary, eyeing every pew from the pulpit to the balcony. Not a Bible or hymnal was left unturned. Church leaders took a vow of secrecy. Even the most respected church members were kept in the dark until the very last minute.

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THE HUFFINGTON POST: Should A President Be Intelligent? (OPINION)
For obvious reasons, there is considerable discussion going on about how much a candidate should know in order to be a credible candidate for the presidency.

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THE GUARDIAN: Archbishop Rowan Williams Backs Revolt Against Coalition's Welfare Cuts
Bishops across the country, backed by Rowan Williams, the archbishop of Canterbury, have condemned the coalition government's controversial welfare reforms, which they say risk pushing thousands of children into poverty and homelessness.

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THE NEW YORKER: Taking It To The Streets
Last spring, months before Wall Street was Occupied, civil disobedience of the kind sweeping the Arab world was hard to imagine happening here. But at Middlebury College, in Vermont, Bill McKibben, a scholar-in-residence, was leading a class discussion about Taylor Branch’s trilogy on Martin Luther King, Jr., and he began to wonder if the tactics that had won the civil-rights battle could work in this country again.

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THE CHRISTIAN POST: Are Christians To Blame For White House Shooter Linking Obama, Antichrist?
Conservatives and faith leaders warned Christians to be more careful of how they criticize political opponents after court documents revealed that the suspect in the White House shooting, Oscar Ramiro Ortega- Hernandez, believed President Barack Obama to be the “antichrist.”

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THE NEW YORK TIMES: Voices Of The Near Poor
About a fifth of the people who appear near poor in the new measure are lifted out of poverty by benefits the old measure ignores, like food stamps and tax credits. But more than half were pulled down into near poverty from higher income levels by taxes, medical costs and work expenses like child care and gas. Taken together with people under the poverty line, a full third of Americans – or about 100 million people – live in poverty or in the economically vulnerable area just above it.

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THE DAILY BEAST: What Occupy Harvard Should Tell Liberal Elite Parents On Thanksgiving
The worm turns in American politics faster than you can say “the audacity of hope.” It was only a matter of time before the 1 percent, who possess 40 percent of the nation’s wealth, rebelled—in the name of the other 99 percent.

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USA TODAY: Democrats To Protest Immigration Crackdowns
In an attempt to invoke the memory and passion of the civil rights movement, a group of Democratic lawmakers will stand Monday in a historic church in Birmingham to help rally opposition to the state's new law that seeks to get tough on illegal immigrants.

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ASSOCIATED PRESS/FOX NEWS: Hispanic Churches Fight Alabama Crackdown On Immigration
Largely unseen by Alabama's English-speaking natives, Hispanic churches have become a touchstone for opponents of the state's crackdown on illegal immigration, similar to the way black churches provided a home to the civil rights movement in the South during the 1950s and '60s.

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Jack Palmer is a communications assistant at Sojourners. Follow Jack on Twitter @JackPalmer88.