Harold Camping, Rapture, and Jesus | Sojourners

Harold Camping, Rapture, and Jesus

The rapture date and prediction has come and gone.

By now, all of you have heard about the frenzy around 89-year-old, Harold Camping, and his prediction of the rapture to have taken place on May 21, 2011. If I'm correct, this was his 7th official rapture prediction. I'm familiar with him because I grew up in the Bay area and saw him conducting Bible studies all the time on one of those obscure TV stations.

The media and cultural frenzy around the rapture has been nothing but amazing (if that's an appropriate word to use). And some of you have sent me some crazy articles and images -- like the one above joking that the rapture didn't take place because of Randy "Macho Man" Savage" (RIP). I have to admit. I couldn't stop laughing.

But all kidding aside, it's not funny when you consider the number of people this "false prophet" and scam artist has misled. The damage he has done -- especially to those who have placed their faith, trust, lives, present, and future with him -- is beyond comprehension.

There are also some gut-wrenching stories like this one (from March) about a mom trying to kill her own daughters to spare them the pain of the tribulation -- and you realize that in the midst of all the funny comments, this really ain't no funny matter.

I don't wish anyone to go to hell for eternal suffering. You see

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